Meet the Honorees: Katherine Clements

Name someone that has been influential in your life. 
My entire family, but especially my parents, Joe and Karen. The unconditional love and support of my parents has helped shape me into the women I am today. They have always reinforced the importance of kind words and laughter. I would be lost on this journey of life without them by my side.

Name a hobby, or your favorite sport.
I love watching LSU baseball!

What does being a Great Futures Gala Honoree mean to you?
It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. Being a Great Futures Gala Honoree means I get to be a part of a village that spreads kindness and laughter to children in the Baton Rouge community. The innocence of my nephew and nieces remind me that life is full of more good than bad. We, as a village, should strive to be positive role models in all aspects of our lives.

Where did you grow up?
Baton Rouge, LA

Why do you feel it's important to give back?
I am fortunate that people invested in me as a child. From my parents encouraging me to study and become well rounded, to my sister teaching me how to be strong when things seem tough, to my dance teachers giving me an outlet to escape from the chaos of life. These people all cared about my future and well-being. It’s my turn to pay it forward. I believe we should invest in one another to build a better, stronger tomorrow.

What did you want to be growing up?
The President of the United States

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